About this whistleblowing site

The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) found that there was sufficient evidence to convict one of its bishops, Anne Dyer, at its Clergy Discipline Tribunal on a charge of having bullied, harassed and discriminated against a disabled person, amongst other charges. However, the SEC ended its disciplinary process against Anne Dyer before a tribunal hearing could take place and went on to unsuspend her.

It appears to have worked to help shield one of the most senior people in the SEC from allegations of very serious abuse without otherwise addressing them. That is unacceptable, dangerous and contrary to the SEC’s own safeguarding rules.

This site has been launched to whistleblow on the SEC’s failure to safeguard people. It will:

Please write in to scottishepiscopalchurch@proton.me if you have any information you would like to share about this or other safeguarding incidents. Submissions from genuine sources will be treated in the strictest confidence and documents can be redacted on request before they are posted.

Check back frequently. Documents will be added often. Please do leave comments on posts. This site is also accessible via scottish-episcopal.church, s-e.church, scottishepiscopal.com and anne-dyer.com.

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